Plsql plus editor for mac
Plsql plus editor for mac

plsql plus editor for mac
  1. #Plsql plus editor for mac update
  2. #Plsql plus editor for mac password

Alternately, click on the connection node and select Update. View Other Users/Other Schemas: Click to expand the Other Users node.Disconnect: Right click on any connection node and select Disconnect.

#Plsql plus editor for mac update

Update Connection info: Right click on any connection node and select Update.Delete Connection: Right click on any connection node and select Delete.Once connection nodes display, you can click on the node to view the database schema. Connect: Click the plus sign button to create a new connection, following the steps below to Connect to Oracle Database or Connect using a TNSNAMES.ORA Connection Alias.To view Database Explorer, click the database icon in the Activity Bar on the far left side of Visual Studio Code.To refresh the tree control, click on any item and select Refresh.

#Plsql plus editor for mac password

  • To change the ADMIN password for an ADB, right click on database icon and select Change Administrator Password.
  • To Terminate an ADB, right click on database icon and select Terminate.
  • To Stop an ADB, right click on database icon and select Stop.
  • To Start an ADB, right click on database icon and select Start.
  • To only download credentials files, right click on database icon and select Download Credentials Files.
  • To create a connection in Database Explorer and optionally download credentials files right click on database icon and select Create Connection in Database Explorer.
  • Icons containing a D are dedicated instances. Icons with a green star are Always Free databases. Database icons with a red ball are not available, those with a yellow ball are starting or stopping, and icons with no ball are available. Change the region or compartment if your databases are not shown.
  • To view an existing database, expand Autonomous Transaction Processing Databases, Autonomous Data Warehouses, or Autonomous JSON Databases and view the list of databases.
  • To create a new Autonomous Database (ADB), including an Always Free ADB, right click on Autonomous Transaction Processing Databases, Autonomous Data Warehouses, or Autonomous JSON Databases and select Create New.
  • To change the compartment or region: Right click on the profile name (usually DEFAULT) and select Change Compartment or Region from the menu.
  • plsql plus editor for mac

    Follow these instructions to create an Oracle Cloud account, generate the required config file and key files, and connect the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Explorer tree control to the Oracle Cloud.

    Plsql plus editor for mac